New eLearning course: ML/TF Risks in Financial Services Businesses


We are pleased to announce that new course content is available on the Cayman Finance eLearning platform.

The course “Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks in Financial Services Businesses” is the latest in the “Fighting Financial Crime in the Cayman Islands” series coordinated by the Government’s National Coordination Team for the Anti-Money Laundering Steering Group (AMLSG).

This new course includes presentations on ML/TF risks for various financial services providers, based on sector risk assessments conducted by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA). The sectors assessed include banking, insurance, TCSPs, fund administration and securities.


Other courses previously added to the eLearning platform include:

  • Overview of Financial Crime
  • Overview of Government Structure and CFATF Process
  • AML CFT Legislative Framework
  • AML CFT Risks in the Cayman Islands
  • Obligations of Financial Services Providers

All the lessons are free, self-paced and on demand, and are intended to facilitate the cascading of the FATF standards throughout all levels of industry. They are available at:

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