New e-Learning Course Available for Industry


In February 2020, the Government’s National Coordination Team for the Anti-Money Laundering Steering Group (AMLSG), in collaboration with Cayman Finance, launched free on-demand lessons on the Cayman Finance eLearning platform entitled “Fighting Financial Crime in the Cayman Islands”.

We are pleased to announce that a new series of courses on the Risks in the Cayman Islands is now available. The lessons summarize the results of recently conducted risk assessments at the national level.

Attorney General Hon. Samuel Bulgin, QC pointed out that the eLearning courses form an important part of the remediation efforts the Cayman Islands has undertaken to enhance its AML/CFT regime in response to the Mutual Evaluation Report published in March 2019.

“One of the main objectives of this initiative is make the knowledge of the speakers widely available, including to every person who works in a business required to comply with the AML/CFT laws and regulations of the Cayman Islands, regardless of whether this person works in the Cayman Islands or overseas,” the Attorney General stated.


The lessons were recorded by staff members of the National Coordination Team, volunteer personnel from law enforcement agencies and from the competent authorities who supervise various relevant financial sectors.

These new lessons have been added to the previous modules, namely:
Overview of Financial Crime
Overview of Government Structure and CFATF Process
AML CFT Legislative Framework

The modules, which are free, self-paced and on demand, are intended to facilitate the cascading of the FATF standards throughout all levels of industry. Industry members can choose the modules that best meet their responsibilities, or complete them all.

Subsequent modules will cover obligations relating to SARs, the legal profession and the accounting profession.

As more content is developed, industry members will be notified when subsequent modules are available on Cayman Finance’s e-learning platform.

The lessons are available at:

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