Sources for data points on Cayman Finance website

Infographic on Why Cayman page

  • Cayman is number 1 for ease of doing business: TMF Group’s 2023 Global Business Complexity Index
  • 700 insurance companies: Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) website latest statistics
  • 2nd largest jurisdiction for captive insurance: Cayman Finance research
  • World’s largest investment fund domicile after the United States close to 30,000 open ended and private funds managing, US$8.5 trillion in assets: CIMA website latest stats and net assets from CIMA report “Investments Statistical Digest 2021”, and Cayman Finance research.
  • Home to almost 100 banks and trust companies: CIMA website latest statistics, 96 banks and trust companies and 119 total licences
  • Leading jurisdiction for digital asset ventures, 1/2 of the world’s crypto hedge funds: 49%, PwC’s 4th Annual Global Crypto Hedge Fund Report 2022
  • 5 of the top 10 top largest DAOs (top 10, Cayman Finance research)

Statistic on Community Hub — Driving forward the living standard of all Caymanians

  • Government Revenue calculation: Cayman Compass Government Budget 2022 infographic published December 3, 2021. Work permit fees and permanent reidency fees were 98 million 10.4%. Most of these work permit fees (and expecially the most expensive work permits) are coming from financial services + ancillary services like law and accounting. Financial service fees for setting up company, funds, partnerships and other entity fees are $365.5 million 38.8% Then there are all of the import duties $217.1 million that are a result of the sector’s needs. There for it is safe to say that the financial services sector contributes 40%-50% of Government revenue.
  • Cayman Islands Government ESO (Economics and Statistics Office) COMPENDIUM OF STATISTICS 2021 Industry Contribution to GDP (page 85) for the year 2020 “Finance & Insurance Services = 32.6% (One Third)
  • Cayman Islands COMPENDIUM OF STATISTICS 2021 Industry Contribution to GDP (page 100) for the year 2020 “Finance & Insurance Services = 3654 divided by 44,441 = 8.2%
  • Private Scolarships calculated from publishings in Cayman Resident 2023 (Joanna Boxall) and in Cayman Connection ( — Private Scolarships