Membership types
Cayman Finance offers 3 membership types, welcoming
companies of all types and sizes to connect together as a broad community comitted to the continued success of the financial services industry in the Cayman Islands.

Professional firms, however constituted, established under the laws of, or carrying on their activities within, the Islands, including legal and accountancy firms; Entities licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority; and related financial-services entities established under the laws of, or carrying on their activities within, the Cayman Islands.
Entities established under the laws of, or carrying on their activities within, the Islands that are not otherwise eligible to become Ordinary Members or Honorary Members. Entities that are not residents of the Islands.

Professional associations that are located in the Islands and that represent professionals or organisations that are also located in the Islands; or are licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority that are also located in the Islands.