Business sentiment in financial services improves in third quarter

Demand for legal services has picked up in the third quarter of 2024, according to the Cayman Finance Sentiment Survey.

Overall activity among funds, corporate, virtual assets and banking/capital markets lawyers increased compared to the second quarter.

Only the perceived demand for litigation and trust/private client work diminished slightly between July and September of this year.

However, the outlook is more favourable for all financial services-related legal services, except virtual assets, where demand is already at a high level and the outlook is only marginally lower.

Virtual asset legal services have also seen the largest share of new business according to the responses received from Cayman-based lawyers to the survey.

The business sentiment analysis surveys 840 lawyers who are members of the Cayman Islands Legal Professionals Association (CILPA), asking in which sectors they operate; how busy they were comparatively in the past quarter; how much of their work involved new business; and their personal outlook for activity in the next quarter.

The responses based on a sentiment scale of five different options (very low, somewhat low, about average, somewhat high, very high) are then converted into a sentiment score and the average score is calculated for each sector.

For full Q3/2024 results, please see below:

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