Deputy Premier highlights Cayman-Asia business relationships 

Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services and Commerce André Ebanks delivered the Maples Insights Investment Funds Forum keynote on 25 April.

In his latest visit to Asia, Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services and Commerce, André Ebanks, discussed investment management, trusts, structured finance, maritime business and other matters with government officials and industry. 

The Cayman Islands has been conducting global financial services for about six decades, and our strong reputation for sound, well-regulated business is recognised and respected more and more,” he said. “Our visit demonstrated that Tokyo and Hong Kong are incredibly receptive to what we have to offer.” 

Gene DaCosta, government’s representative in the Asia Overseas Office, accompanied the deputy premier to the meetings, which were held the week of 22 April. 

Meetings were hosted by the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands; the Investment Trust Association of Japan; the (Japan) Financial Services Agency (the equivalent of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority); the Japan Exchange Group Inc.; the Organisation of Global Financial City Tokyo; and the Hong Kong-based offices of Walkers and Maples.  

“During the meetings in each city, respective stakeholders expressed overall satisfaction with Cayman Islands financial services products and service delivery, and they foresee continued strong use of our products,” the deputy premier said. 

In addition to individual stakeholder meetings, the Hong Kong-based office of Maples hosted an industry roundtable discussion that was attended by representatives from well-known Cayman-based law firms and top accounting firms that have offices in Hong Kong. 

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